Aerial Photography in Coventry

SimplyGreatShots are A2 CofC Certified and use the latest A1 subcategory drones which enables flights over uninvolved people (but not crowds), without needing to conduct UK drone training.

Below are some examples of how SimplyGreatShots Aerial Photography can help you.

Planning Permission

With Aerial Photography we can map out large areas of land for Commercial properties, which can be used to assist in obtaining planning permission. SimplyGreatShots Aerial Photography have been tasked with providing Aerial Photographs on numerous occasions. These images have been used to measure and visualise distances between existing buildings, and proposed new buildings.

Land Disputes

Our Aerial Photographs have been used to highlight, or assist with resolving land disputes, whereby a boundary may have been moved, or land be being used by a neighbour illegally.

Aerial Roof Inspections

Traditional Roof Inspections / Surveys result in the added expense and time delays in having to get scaffolding erected or a cherry picker delivered to the location to get a good understanding of the condition of a roof, Aerial Photographs and videos can be used to reduce costs and the time required to identify an issue. We can arrive on site, survey a roof and provide all the photographic information you need, far faster and more cost effectively than having to go through the process of erecting scaffolding or getting a cherry picker to carryout the work.

Real Estate

Photographing ongoing housing development projects over a period of time can ensure that potential buyers build an emotional attachment to a new home that is being built. Seeing a new home being built over the course of weeks or months can help build the excitement with home buyers which can help reduce the amount of new buyers that drop out of a new home purchase.

In addition, photographing boundary's throughout the duration of a building development provides a permanent record of the boundaries to ensure these remain unchanged over the course of a development. They can also be referred back to in years to come.

Has your company recently moved to new premises, do you have grounds, that you would like to see from above? We can offer you a completely unique perspective with Aerial Photographs or Video footage from above.

Aerial Photography requirements vary greatly and may (in some circumstances) involve planning and obtaining the relevant permissions prior to flights. That being said, we have other options available for providing Photographs and videos up to a maximum height of 11 metres.

As the services above are bespoke, prices have to be calculated on an individual basis.

Use the Contact page to get in touch with your requirements and we will provide a quotation for the required work.

Aerial photography of a commercial property

Aerial photography of commercial properties in the West Midlands

Planning Permission

Using drones to provide Aerial Photography to obtain Planning Permission for Commercial or Residential properties.

Planning Permission

Using drones to provide Aerial Photography to obtain Planning Permission for Commercial or Residential properties.

Planning Permission

SimplyGreatShots Aerial Photography were contacted by a client to provide Aerial Photographs to assist in obtaining the required planning permission to demolish several out buildings, and to extend the current car parking arrangements to increase footfall within the business and ease parking congestion on site and around the immediately vicinity .

At peak business operating hours, it was observed that getting in and out of the car park was a struggle with people parking in areas that were not designated parking spaces. This resulted in tailbacks of cars trying to get in and out of the carpark.

Customers were also parking irresponsibly on adjacent grass verges, and neighbouring roads and this was causing tension with neighbours that lived within a close proximity to the business.

With our assistance in providing high resolution images and 4k video footage of the plot of land this business owned, they were able to eventually get the required permission to allow them to increase parking capacity.

An aerial photograph of a farm defining land boundaries

Aerial photographs can be used in land disputes

Land Disputes

Using drones to obtain High Resolution Aerial Photographs or Video which will clearly identify any land invasion that has occurred

Land Disputes

Using drones to obtain High Resolution Aerial Photographs or Video which will clearly identify any land invasion that has occurred

Land Disputes

SimplyGreatShots were contacted to investigate a land dispute between the land owner and a tenant. Aerial Photography was then used to provide a unique view of the plot of land.

On the image above, all land inside the red box belonged to the tenant, and everything outside of this same box belonged to the land owner.

The land owner knew that their property was being used illegally to store vehicles and other possessions by the tenant, but didn't know to what extent.

Deadlines for the removal of these these items came and went and the tenant ignored all requests to remove their property from the land owners land.

SimplyGreatShots were able to map the complete area and give a true representation as to the extent of the land invasion.

High resolution photographs and 4K video footage were provided to the land owner which resulted in the dispute being resolved in a matter of weeks.

An aerial photograph of a house roof taken as part of a roof inspection

Detailed aerial photography of residential properties

Drone & Aerial Roof Inspections

Using UAV's to provide detailed close up images of damaged roofs, soffets & fascias

Drone & Aerial Roof Inspections

Using UAV's to provide detailed close up images of damaged roofs, soffets & fascias

Drone & Aerial Roof inspections in Coventry & Warwickshire.

SimplyGreatShots are able to complete Aerial Roof Inspections in Warwickshire and surrounding areas using Drones or a camera mast system.

We currently hold a A2 CofC Certification and are fully insured for Commercial and Residential work.

How can an Aerial Roof Inspection benefit you?

Using Drones or a camera mast we are able to get incredibly close to buildings and provide detailed images which will help you identify any potential issues on your roof.

Traditional Roof inspection methods involving Scaffolding and Cherry Pickers can often be expensive and time consuming. They may also involve risk assessment planning to ensure Health and Safety is adhered to. All of which add delays and potential costs.

In comparison Aerial Roof Inspections are inexpensive and can be carried out quickly.

When you have an issue with a leaking roof, you need the issue identifying and fixing as soon as possible. SimplyGreatShots can arrive at your premises, carryout the survey and provide high resolution images the very same day.

This enables you to quickly provide a detailed analysis of your issue to professional Roofing companies to enable them to rectify the issue as soon as possible.

What type of images can you capture during an Aerial Roof Survey?

With high definition images and/or 4k video footage we are able to capture the roof in its entirety or specific areas of the roof, such as:

  • Ridge tiles and mortar.
  • Broken tiles, or tiles that may have shifted.
  • Fascia’s and Soffits
  • Guttering
  • Chimneys
  • Pointing
  • Flashing
  • Skylights
  • Conservatory’s

A drone inspecting a customers roof.

Drones offer an unparalleled aerial view

Drone Roof Inspections / Drone Roof Surveys can be carried out during daylight hours weather permitting.

Our Drones or UAV's cannot fly in rain or windy conditions exceeding 20mph.

Providing it is safe to do so we can we can launch a Drone and take the necessary images or video to isolate any damage to the roof.

The time required to complete a Roof Inspection is dependant upon the size of a roof. For a typical 3 bedroom house, we would usually expect to be on site for up to 1 hour, with the drone being in the air for less than half of this time. Bigger or more complex roofs will take longer than this.

As SimplyGreatShots are a Drone operator with many years experience we are aware that there may be certain areas that you just cannot fly due to the building location, or indeed due to a complex roof structure.

In these instances we also have camera's that can mount to 11m a mast/pole system that can be remotely controlled. The pole can be manoeuvred into the required area and the pole operator is able to see what the camera is focusing on. High Definition photographs can then be taken.

An aerial survey identified issues with a customers roof.

Using drones or aerial masts to identify cracked and/or missing mortar.

Aerial photography being used to identify issues with the guttering becoming blocked.

Aerial photographs being used to identify guttering filled with moss from the roof.

The photographs below started out as a single story flat roof inspection using one of our camera inspection masts, and quickly escalated into something more than just a roof survey.

This home owner knew that the flat roof needed work doing due to having water ingress, which had affected the ceiling below.

Due to the way the garden sloped away from the rear of the property (which restricted what was visible above the flat roof) they had no idea that the render on the back of the house was blown and also needed to be repaired / replaced.

With our camera inspection masts we can get really close and zoom in up to x30 to find any issues, on roofs, guttering, mortar, fascias etc.

A flat roof inspection carried out using a camera mast

A flat roof survey also revealed render that was cracked and missing

A camera mast inspecting the guttering of a residential house.

Utilising a camera inspection mast to check the guttering.

Our aerial mast being used to identify areas where water is entering the property

Roof Inspection showing where asphalt has lifted

Aerial photography monitoring ongoing roadworks.

Drones or UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) have strict limitations that need to be adhered to with regards to maximum altitude and maximum distance they can be flown from the Operator, along with several other factors need to be complied with.

The current rules (which are subject to change by the CAA). are as follows:

·     Maximum Altitude is 400ft (120m)

·     Maximum distance from the Drone / UAV operator is 500m, although Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) must be maintained at all times, so this maximum distance may need to be reduced in order for the orientation of the Drone / UAV to be known at all times.

·     Minimum visibility needs to be 5km

·     Drones / UAV’s cannot be flown at night without special permission.

·     The Drone / UAV Operator must obtain permission from the owner of the Take off and Landing (TOAL) point.

·     Drones / UAV’s must not be flown within 50m of structures, vehicles or people who are not under the control of the Drone / UAV Operator (30m for TOAL)*.

*Whilst the term “…under the control of…” may sound very restrictive, it is perfectly acceptable to fly closer to structures, vehicles or people as long as permission has been obtained from everyone within the vicinity proving they have been briefed and are aware of the flight mission.

For the most recent guidelines please see the CAA website at:

Iceland unseen footage