Customer Testimonials

SimplyGreatShots Photography value the feedback provided by our client's and are happy to share what they have say about their experiences of working with us.

We pride ourselves on the level of service we provide and our ultimate aim is to ensure our clients have a relaxed and memorable day.

We then aim to provide the best quality images, so our clients have fantastic photographs to last a lifetime.

If you require a Photographer (or Photographers) in Coventry who will take the time to listen and understand your requirements, or should you have any questions you wish to ask us, please feel free to use the contact us page, and we will come back to you as soon as possible.

“We contacted SimplyGreatShots for aerial photography to assist us in obtaining planning permission. A full site risk assessment was carried out, and all of our requirements were met in a professional manner. We appreciate the planning and hard work undertaken, recommended.
Thank-you Carl.”

“Monima, Carl,
Wow. Those are fantastic photographs. Both the quality of the photography, and what you've managed to capture, honestly, they're gorgeous. Money and business aside, both of you had a lovely manner, and I've never seen others take the level of care you do, we were both really impressed.”